
In an attempt to create a perfect new being, scientist Victor Frankenstein secretly assembles a collection of body parts and activates it with an electrical charge. The result is horrifying — even to his maker — and is never named.The hideous creature escapes the laboratory and searches in vain for friendship. Despairing, he returns to Frankenstein and demands a partner as his right to happiness. But when Victor destroys her before she is completed, the monster vows vengeance on everything he holds dear.Widely regarded as the first proper science-fiction novel, Frankenstein provided the inspiration for a whole genre of horror stories and, later, films.


ID: 1313404 Артикул: 1804881 Категория:

In an attempt to create a perfect new being, scientist Victor Frankenstein secretly assembles a collection of body parts and activates it with an electrical charge. The result is horrifying — even to his maker — and is never named.The hideous creature escapes the laboratory and searches in vain for friendship. Despairing, he returns to Frankenstein and demands a partner as his right to happiness. But when Victor destroys her before she is completed, the monster vows vengeance on everything he holds dear.Widely regarded as the first proper science-fiction novel, Frankenstein provided the inspiration for a whole genre of horror stories and, later, films.

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