A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings

‘Every idiot who goes about with «Merry Christmas» on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding’Dickens’s story of solitary miser Ebenezer Scrooge, who is taught the true meaning of Christmas by a series of ghostly visitors, has had an enduring influence on the way we think about the season. Dickens’s other Christmas writings collected here include ‘The Story of the Goblins who Stole a Sexton’; ‘The Haunted Man’; and shorter pieces, some drawn from the ‘Christmas Stories’ that Dickens wrote annually for his weekly journals. In all of them Dickens celebrates Christmas as a time of geniality, charity and remembrance.


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‘Every idiot who goes about with «Merry Christmas» on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding’Dickens’s story of solitary miser Ebenezer Scrooge, who is taught the true meaning of Christmas by a series of ghostly visitors, has had an enduring influence on the way we think about the season. Dickens’s other Christmas writings collected here include ‘The Story of the Goblins who Stole a Sexton’; ‘The Haunted Man’; and shorter pieces, some drawn from the ‘Christmas Stories’ that Dickens wrote annually for his weekly journals. In all of them Dickens celebrates Christmas as a time of geniality, charity and remembrance.История Диккенса об одиноком скряге Эбенезере Скрудже, которого серия призрачных посетителей научила истинному значению Рождества, оказала неизгладимое влияние на то, как мы относимся к этому сезону. Другие рождественские произведения Диккенса в сборнике «Рождественская песнь и другие рождественские истории» включают «Историю о гоблинах, которые украли могильщика», «Человек с привидениями» и более короткие отрывки, некоторые из которых взяты из «Рождественских рассказов», которые Диккенс ежегодно писал для своих еженедельных журналов. Во всех них Диккенс празднует Рождество как время сердечности, милосердия и воспоминаний.Книга на английском языке.

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