A Man Without a Country

Comic riffs and diatribes on the America of G.W. Bush from the author of Slaughterhouse 5This is vintage Vonnegut — hilariously funny and razor-sharp as he fixes his gaze on art, politics, himself and the condition of the soul of America today. Written over five years in the form of a loose memoir, A Man Without a Country is an intimate and tender communication to us all, sometimes despairing, always searching and ultimately wise and compassionate.


ID: 1628327 Артикул: 1974920 Категория:

Comic riffs and diatribes on the America of G.W. Bush from the author of Slaughterhouse 5This is vintage Vonnegut — hilariously funny and razor-sharp as he fixes his gaze on art, politics, himself and the condition of the soul of America today. Written over five years in the form of a loose memoir, A Man Without a Country is an intimate and tender communication to us all, sometimes despairing, always searching and ultimately wise and compassionate.

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