Big Little Lies (tv tie-in)

Perfect family, perfect house, perfect life; Jane, Madeline and Celeste have it all… or do they? They are about to find out just how easy it is for one little lie to spiral out of control.From the author of Truly Madly Guilty and The Husband’s Secret comes a novel about the dangerous little lies we tell ourselves just to survive.Jane hasn’t lived anywhere for longer than six months since her son was born five years ago. She keeps moving in an attempt to escape her past. Now the idyllic coastal town of Pirriwee has pulled her to its shores and Jane feels as if she finally belongs. She finds friends in the feisty Madeline and the incredibly beautiful Celeste, two women with seemingly perfect lives — and their own secrets. But at the start of a new term, an incident involving the children of all three women occurs in the playground, causing a rift between them and other parents. Minor at first but escalating fast, until the whispers and rumours become vicious and spiteful, and the truths blur into lies. It was always going to end in tears, but no one thought it would end in murder…


ID: 1505715 Артикул: 1879406 Категория:

Perfect family, perfect house, perfect life; Jane, Madeline and Celeste have it all… or do they? They are about to find out just how easy it is for one little lie to spiral out of control.From the author of Truly Madly Guilty and The Husband’s Secret comes a novel about the dangerous little lies we tell ourselves just to survive.Jane hasn’t lived anywhere for longer than six months since her son was born five years ago. She keeps moving in an attempt to escape her past. Now the idyllic coastal town of Pirriwee has pulled her to its shores and Jane feels as if she finally belongs. She finds friends in the feisty Madeline and the incredibly beautiful Celeste, two women with seemingly perfect lives — and their own secrets. But at the start of a new term, an incident involving the children of all three women occurs in the playground, causing a rift between them and other parents. Minor at first but escalating fast, until the whispers and rumours become vicious and spiteful, and the truths blur into lies. It was always going to end in tears, but no one thought it would end in murder…Роман Лианы Мориарти «Большая маленькая ложь» — это история об опасной маленькой лжи, которую мы говорим себе, просто чтобы выжить.Джейн нигде не жила дольше шести месяцев с тех пор, как пять лет назад родился ее сын. Она продолжает двигаться в попытке убежать от своего прошлого. Теперь идиллический прибрежный городок Пирриви притянул ее к своим берегам, и Джейн чувствует, что наконец-то принадлежит ему. Она находит друзей в дерзкой Мэдлин и невероятно красивой Селесте, двух женщинах с, казалось бы, идеальной жизнью — и их собственными секретами. Но в начале нового семестра на детской площадке происходит инцидент с участием детей всех трех женщин, который вызывает раскол между ними и другими родителями. Поначалу незначительный, но быстро нарастающий, пока шепот и слухи не станут злобными, а правда не превратится в ложь. Это всегда должно было закончиться слезами, но никто не думал, что это закончится убийством…Книга на английском языке.

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