Cambridge English Skills. Real Reading 2 with answers

Do you feel unprepared for everyday life in an English-speaking world? Then Real Reading is just what you need.You can develop the skills you need to read confidently at home, at work, travelling, studying or in social situations with English-speaking friends. Activities based around the themes of Social and Travel and Work and Study cover a range of everyday situations and really help you to understand the English you read in the world around you.- Feel more confident reading in EnglishA range of tasks based on real-life situations and texts will give you confidence in any tuation.»evelop strategies for reading difficult textsLearning tips throughout the book will help you develop the reading skills that you need. О Check your progressA unit-by-unit checklist, based on the ALTE Can-do statements, lets you see what you havelearned — and feel proud of it!This book also gives you:- cultural notes, helping you to feel comfortable in the English-speaking world.- the chance to take your learning off the page and into your daily life, through extra ‘realworld’ practice tasks.- extra tasks for pair and group work, giving you even more opportunities to get it right!This edition comes with answers.


ID: 1800724 Артикул: 72408 Категория:

Cambridge English Skills — это четырехуровневый курс, разработанный специально для взрослых и молодежи, желающих уверенно общаться на английском языке, где бы они ни находились — дома, на работе, в путешествиях, на учебе или в общении с англоговорящими друзьями.Курс организован вокруг тем «Работа и учеба» и «Общение и путешествия», что позволяет укрепить уверенность обучающихся в себе с помощью занятий, основанных на повседневных ситуациях, а советы по обучению, приведенные в пособиях, помогают студентам развить навыки, необходимые для того, чтобы понимать и быть понятыми.Это пособие предназначено для учащихся, чувствующих себя неподготовленными к повседневной жизни в англоговорящем мире, независимо от того, занимаются они самостоятельно или в классе. Пособие содержит необходимые материалы для развития навыка чтения на английском языке.Содержит ответы.Do you feel unprepared for everyday life in an English-speaking world? Then Real Reading is just what you need.You can develop the skills you need to read confidently at home, at work, travelling, studying or in social situations with English-speaking friends. Activities based around the themes of Social and Travel and Work and Study cover a range of everyday situations and really help you to understand the English you read in the world around you.- Feel more confident reading in EnglishA range of tasks based on real-life situations and texts will give you confidence in any tuation.»evelop strategies for reading difficult textsLearning tips throughout the book will help you develop the reading skills that you need. О Check your progressA unit-by-unit checklist, based on the ALTE Can-do statements, lets you see what you havelearned — and feel proud of it!This book also gives you:- cultural notes, helping you to feel comfortable in the English-speaking world.- the chance to take your learning off the page and into your daily life, through extra ‘realworld’ practice tasks.- extra tasks for pair and group work, giving you even more opportunities to get it right!This edition comes with answers.

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