
A Treasonous PlotEngland, 1586. Giordano Bruno, heretic turned spy, passes on vital information to spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham. A band of Catholic Englishmen are plotting to kill Queen Elizabeth and install Mary, Queen of Scots, on the English throne.A Deadly TrapWalsingham, already aware of the plot, is allowing it to progress. He hopes that Mary will put her support in writing — and condemn herself to a traitor’s death.A Queen in DangerBruno must go undercover, join the conspirators and stop them. A queen is destined to die; Bruno must make sure it is the right one…


ID: 1455999 Артикул: 1873001 Категория:

A Treasonous PlotEngland, 1586. Giordano Bruno, heretic turned spy, passes on vital information to spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham. A band of Catholic Englishmen are plotting to kill Queen Elizabeth and install Mary, Queen of Scots, on the English throne.A Deadly TrapWalsingham, already aware of the plot, is allowing it to progress. He hopes that Mary will put her support in writing — and condemn herself to a traitor’s death.A Queen in DangerBruno must go undercover, join the conspirators and stop them. A queen is destined to die; Bruno must make sure it is the right one…

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