First Men in the Moon

In one of the earliest works of science fiction, H. G. Wells brings to life the joys of space travel and humanity’s boundless curiosity.When penniless businessman Mr Bedford moves to Kent to write a play, he meets mad scientist Mr Cavor who is developing an anti-gravity metal. This unlikely pair journey to the Moon using Mr Cavor’s new invention. But what creatures lurk beneath its cratered surface?The First Men in the Moon is a swashbuckling adventure of discovery as well as a poignant exploration of ethics in the face of scientific progress.


ID: 1619886 Артикул: 1967416 Категория:

In one of the earliest works of science fiction, H. G. Wells brings to life the joys of space travel and humanity’s boundless curiosity.When penniless businessman Mr Bedford moves to Kent to write a play, he meets mad scientist Mr Cavor who is developing an anti-gravity metal. This unlikely pair journey to the Moon using Mr Cavor’s new invention. But what creatures lurk beneath its cratered surface?The First Men in the Moon is a swashbuckling adventure of discovery as well as a poignant exploration of ethics in the face of scientific progress.

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