In The Dark

I don’t know what happened to my daughter. Only that she’s missing — and I was the last person to see her…My name is Nora Logue. You’ve probably heard of me — most people have.I am the mother of Daisy Logue. Seven years ago, I took her for a walk in the woods. Only I came out.I have no memory of what happened that day.I have tried to rebuild my life. Met a man, had another child — Luca. But I can’t let go of Daisy, or give up hope of seeing her again.And now, I have the chance to find out what happened to her.But what if pursuing the truth about my daughter risks my son’s life?A whiplash-inducing, unputdownable crime thriller from the author of The Nurse.


ID: 1648047 Артикул: 1996731 Категория:

I don’t know what happened to my daughter. Only that she’s missing — and I was the last person to see her…My name is Nora Logue. You’ve probably heard of me — most people have.I am the mother of Daisy Logue. Seven years ago, I took her for a walk in the woods. Only I came out.I have no memory of what happened that day.I have tried to rebuild my life. Met a man, had another child — Luca. But I can’t let go of Daisy, or give up hope of seeing her again.And now, I have the chance to find out what happened to her.But what if pursuing the truth about my daughter risks my son’s life?A whiplash-inducing, unputdownable crime thriller from the author of The Nurse.

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