Llama Out Loud!

Yasmin Shah is a ten-year-old girl who is part of a big, noisy family and doesn’t ever speak. Levi is a rude, sassy toy llama, who talks A LOT and has come to wreak havoc in Yasmin’s life.Yasmin tries everything she can to escape Levi, but she can’t help being dragged along on his crazy antics — and every day brings a new surprise, whether that’s an erupting bin, a flying tuna fish, or a hat made from knickers. Life is never boring with Levi around — and could it be that he has a secret plan to help Yasmin find her voice?Annabelle Sami is a writer, director and performer who currently works in the arts. While reading children’s books when babysitting she realised there was a lack of representation of funny girls and diverse characters in children’s books — and she decided to do something about it. Growing up mixed-race, she never found her own life reflected in a book and now it’s her mission to make sure that every spirited, witty and adventurous girl has her own special book that she can relate to.


ID: 1454692 Артикул: 1871940 Категория:

Yasmin Shah is a ten-year-old girl who is part of a big, noisy family and doesn’t ever speak. Levi is a rude, sassy toy llama, who talks A LOT and has come to wreak havoc in Yasmin’s life.Yasmin tries everything she can to escape Levi, but she can’t help being dragged along on his crazy antics — and every day brings a new surprise, whether that’s an erupting bin, a flying tuna fish, or a hat made from knickers. Life is never boring with Levi around — and could it be that he has a secret plan to help Yasmin find her voice?Annabelle Sami is a writer, director and performer who currently works in the arts. While reading children’s books when babysitting she realised there was a lack of representation of funny girls and diverse characters in children’s books — and she decided to do something about it. Growing up mixed-race, she never found her own life reflected in a book and now it’s her mission to make sure that every spirited, witty and adventurous girl has her own special book that she can relate to.

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