Love Life

Dr Tess Carter is no starry-eyed heroine. After all, if your dad left without a backward glance you wouldn’t believe in romance either. And the voices in Tess’s head — you know, the ones that tell you you’re not good enough, not pretty enough, not clever enough — well, these voices are very loud. Very loud indeed. Especially when the disagreeable son of one of her patients starts challenging her every decision.Edward Russell might have a big job and a posh voice, but Tess is determined not to let him get to her. And Edward, it turns out, may be less of a grump than he first appears…In the real world, where gentlemanlike manners and out-of-the-blue declarations of love are a story-book fantasy, it’s up to Tess to decide whose voice to listen to … and how to make her own heard.


ID: 1457802 Артикул: 1874982 Категория:

Dr Tess Carter is no starry-eyed heroine. After all, if your dad left without a backward glance you wouldn’t believe in romance either. And the voices in Tess’s head — you know, the ones that tell you you’re not good enough, not pretty enough, not clever enough — well, these voices are very loud. Very loud indeed. Especially when the disagreeable son of one of her patients starts challenging her every decision.Edward Russell might have a big job and a posh voice, but Tess is determined not to let him get to her. And Edward, it turns out, may be less of a grump than he first appears…In the real world, where gentlemanlike manners and out-of-the-blue declarations of love are a story-book fantasy, it’s up to Tess to decide whose voice to listen to … and how to make her own heard.

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