Mrs Griffin Sends Her Love

A nostalgic collection on rural schools, childhood and English country life from the much-loved author of Village School.From organising the school summer fete…`Because of our inability to recognise our climatic shortcomings from the outset, arrangements for outdoor jollities get completely out of hand`….to the sometimes rather odd passions of childhood:`I collect stones with holes in them`.Miss Read captures the essence of rural life, and in particular of village schools, as only she can. This collection also includes extracts from her letters:`Michael Joseph wrote after the Observer thing and is throwing out feelers for a book. I shall know if he still feels like it — me too! — after we`ve met`.It will also include an Introduction on how `Miss Read` was first created:`Miss Read was born fully clothed in sensible garments and aged about forty. She was born, in fact, when I was struggling to write my first book and needed a village schoolmistress as the narrator.`


ID: 1799280 Артикул: 2052159 Категория:

A nostalgic collection on rural schools, childhood and English country life from the much-loved author of Village School.From organising the school summer fete…`Because of our inability to recognise our climatic shortcomings from the outset, arrangements for outdoor jollities get completely out of hand`….to the sometimes rather odd passions of childhood:`I collect stones with holes in them`.Miss Read captures the essence of rural life, and in particular of village schools, as only she can. This collection also includes extracts from her letters:`Michael Joseph wrote after the Observer thing and is throwing out feelers for a book. I shall know if he still feels like it — me too! — after we`ve met`.It will also include an Introduction on how `Miss Read` was first created:`Miss Read was born fully clothed in sensible garments and aged about forty. She was born, in fact, when I was struggling to write my first book and needed a village schoolmistress as the narrator.`

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