Of Mice and Men

George and his large, simple-minded friend Lennie are drifters, following wherever work leads them. Arriving in California’s Salinas Valley, they get work on a ranch. If they can just stay out of trouble, George promises Lennie, then one day they might be able to get some land of their own and settle down some place. But kind-hearted, childlike Lennie is a victim of his own strength. Seen by others as a threat, he finds it impossible to control his emotions. And one day not even George will be able to save him from trouble.Of Mice and Men is a tragic and moving story of friendship, loneliness and the dispossessed.


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George and his large, simple-minded friend Lennie are drifters, following wherever work leads them. Arriving in California’s Salinas Valley, they get work on a ranch. If they can just stay out of trouble, George promises Lennie, then one day they might be able to get some land of their own and settle down some place. But kind-hearted, childlike Lennie is a victim of his own strength. Seen by others as a threat, he finds it impossible to control his emotions. And one day not even George will be able to save him from trouble.Of Mice and Men is a tragic and moving story of friendship, loneliness and the dispossessed. Пять причин купить 1В основе произведения — личный опыт Джона Стейнбека, который, как и главные герои его новеллы, работал на ферме, будучи еще совсем юным. 2«Постарайтесь понять людей. Если вы понимаете друг друга, вы относитесь бережнее друг к другу», — из дневника Джона Стейнбека. 3Изначально Стейнбек хотел озаглавить новеллу «То, что просто случилось», давая читателю понять, что никто из персонажей не виноват в произошедшем. 4Книга обязательно найдет отклик в сердцах читателей, которые прониклись романами «Гроздья гнева» и «Цветы для Элджернона». 5Произведение подойдет тем, кто впервые пробует читать неадаптированную литературу на английском языке.

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