Pride and Prejudice

‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.’The famous opening words of Pride and Prejudice carry the reader straight to the heart of the Bennet household, the home of no fewer than five marriageable daughters. Austens best-loved romance unfolds around the two eldest, Jane and Elizabeth, and two eligible bachelors, Mr Bingley and his friend Mr Darcy.It is more than 200 years since Jane Austen published her first novel (Sense and Sensibility) and she is still revered worldwide for her penetrating intelligence, dazzling sense of irony and subtle social commentary. Nowhere are these qualities more evident than in the remarkable Pride and Prejudice.


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‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.’The famous opening words of Pride and Prejudice carry the reader straight to the heart of the Bennet household, the home of no fewer than five marriageable daughters. Austens best-loved romance unfolds around the two eldest, Jane and Elizabeth, and two eligible bachelors, Mr Bingley and his friend Mr Darcy.It is more than 200 years since Jane Austen published her first novel (Sense and Sensibility) and she is still revered worldwide for her penetrating intelligence, dazzling sense of irony and subtle social commentary. Nowhere are these qualities more evident than in the remarkable Pride and Prejudice.

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