Harry Potter 6: Half-Blood Prince (new adult) J.K. Rowling Гарри Поттер 6: Принц-полукровка Д.К. Роулинг / Книги на английском языке


«Will you, Severus, watch over my son Draco as he attempts to fulfil the Dark Lord’s wishes?» Narcissa Malfoy.Suspicion and fear blow through the wizarding world as news of the Dark Lord’s attack on the Ministry of Magic spreads. Harry has not told anyone about the future predicted by the prophecy in the Department of Mysteries, nor how deeply what happened to Sirius Black affected him. He’s desperate for Professor Dumbledore to arrive and take him away from the Dursley’s – but Hogwarts may not be the safe haven from Voldemort’s Dark Forces that it once was.In his sixth year, the names Black, Malfoy, Lestrange and Snape will haunt Harry with shades of trust and treachery as he discovers the secret behind the mysterious Half-Blood Prince – and Dumbledore prepares him to face his own terrifying destiny.These adult editions have been stylishly redesigned to showcase Andrew Davidson’s beautiful woodcut cover artwork.»Будешь ли ты, Северус, присматривать за моим сыном Драко, пока он пытается исполнить желание Темного Лорда?» Нарцисса Малфой.Подозрения и страх царят в волшебном мире, распространяются новости о нападении Темного Лорда на Министерство Магии. Гарри никому не рассказал ни о будущем, предсказанном пророчеством в Отделе Тайн, ни о том, как глубоко потрясло его то, что случилось с Сириусом Блэком. Он отчаянно хочет, чтобы профессор Дамблдор прибыл и забрал его от Дурслей, но Хогвартс, возможно, уже не является безопасным убежищем от темных сил Волан-де-Морта, каким он был когда-то… На шестом курсе Гарри узнает секрет таинственного Принца-полукровки, а Дамблдор готовит его ко встрече с собственной ужасающей судьбой.Дизайн издания для взрослых содержит прекрасные гравюры Энрю Дэвидсона на обложке книги.гарри поттер, книга гарри поттер, книга гарри поттера, джоан роулинг, гарри поттер и принц-полукровка


ID: 632231 Артикул: 1407853 Категории: ,

In the penultimate book in this bestselling series, the battle between good and evil continues as it becomes clear Harry must face the Dark Lord — adult edition featuring stylish jacket art by Andrew Davidson.`Will you, Severus, watch over my son Draco as he attempts to fulfil the Dark Lord`s wishes?`Suspicion and fear blow through the wizarding world as news of the Dark Lord`s attack on the Ministry of Magic spreads. Harry has not told anyone about the future predicted by the prophecy in the Department of Mysteries, nor how deeply what happened to Sirius Black affected him. He`s desperate for Professor Dumbledore to arrive and take him away from the Dursley`s — but Hogwarts may not be the safe haven from Voldemort`s Dark Forces that it once was.In his sixth year, the names Black, Malfoy, Lestrange and Snape will haunt Harry with shades of trust and treachery as he discovers the secret behind the mysterious Half-Blood Prince — and Dumbledore prepares him to face his own…In the penultimate book in this bestselling series, the battle between good and evil continues as it becomes clear Harry must face the Dark Lord — adult edition featuring stylish jacket art by Andrew Davidson.`Will you, Severus, watch over my son Draco as he attempts to fulfil the Dark Lord`s wishes?`Suspicion and fear blow through the wizarding world as news of the Dark Lord`s attack on the Ministry of Magic spreads. Harry has not told anyone about the future predicted by the prophecy in the Department of Mysteries, nor how deeply what happened to Sirius Black affected him. He`s desperate for Professor Dumbledore to arrive and take him away from the Dursley`s — but Hogwarts may not be the safe haven from Voldemort`s Dark Forces that it once was.In his sixth year, the names Black, Malfoy, Lestrange and Snape will haunt Harry with shades of trust and treachery as he discovers the secret behind the mysterious Half-Blood Prince — and Dumbledore prepares him to face his own terrifying destiny.These adult editions have been stylishly redesigned to showcase Andrew Davidson`s beautiful woodcut cover artwork.

Вес15 oz
Габариты8.5 × 5.7 × 1.0 in







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